LMMC20 Setlist Links

Spotify Playlist Click here Sheet music Crown Him with many Crowns Behold our God - Sovereign Grace O Praise the Name (Anastasis)- Hillsong Worship Creator God- Ben Slee I stand amazed He Will hold me fast - Matt Merker The King in all his Beauty - Matt Boswell and Matt…


Jesus shall reign

Sometimes its helpful to think a little deeper about the hymns and songs that we sing. So we asked Daniel Johnson to give us some historical and theological background to this Isaac Watts classic that has been recently adapted by the Gettys. We hope you find this interesting and helpful.…


‘I want to buy…’ Electric guitar and kit

Amps Does the quality of Amp really matter that much? so long as it makes my guitar go louder it'll be fine, right? The guitar Amp is probably the most fundamental part of your sound. It doesn't matter how expensive your guitar or effects pedals are, if you're amp is…


Theology of the Arts – Part 4

  Welcome back to our brief(ish) four-part trawl through the murky waters of art theology. We began, effectively, by asking the question: “How do we answer when we’re asked to justify art?” This demand for justification is something that artists are familiar with. It might come from parents: “Don’t you…


Theology of the Arts – Part 3

  Looking at Crutches (continued) Since we started the last two posts with a quote from a composer, I thought this time we would begin with a painter. Unfortunately I began my search amongst the sayings of Salvador Dali, and I’m still trying to recover. So instead, here’s a little…


Theology of the Arts- Part 1

  The Way Things Are “I always said God was against art and I still believe it. Anything obscene or trivial is blessed in this world and has a reward – I ask for no reward – only to live and to hear my work.” Such were Edward Elgar’s words…

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Amos and Music Ministry

It’s the thing you wouldn’t ever want the Lord to say to your musicians…. 23 Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. 24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:23-24). What if,…


Jerusalem- City Alight : song review

We've recently come across this song, and introduced it to our church the past few Sundays. It is really beautiful and worth looking at if you are doing a series on the cross, or Jesus work to bring us to the new creation, or are looking for a song for…

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Writing children’s memory verses

One of the great privileges of serving with children's teams on camps and conferences like Word Alive and Keswick is hearing young people sing bible verses. It is brilliant. Linked at the end of this post are 2 memory verses which you may want to have a look at, both…


LMC 2014

Andy Fenton, team leader at Music Ministry, recently led the music at the London Men's Convention in Westminster Hall.  Here is the song list with sheet music links.  LMC Songs 2014 2


PDF Hymnal G-I

Give to our God Glorious things TAB Glory be to God the Father God of the covenant God whose almighty word Great God of wonders Great is thy faithfulness Guide me O my great Redeemer Here_is_Love Hail the day Holy holy holy TAB How good a thing it is How…