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This tool exists to help you find songs and hymns to fit with any service’s theme.

For example, if you are having a service that centres on Jesus’ death, search ‘the cross’, and see what springs up that might fit well.

Each song is accompanied by the words for you to read through, and links to sheet music and recordings.

This database is always growing, so do check back regularly.  Hopefully it can become a tool for your weekly service planning.


A debtor to mercy alone

A mighty fortress is our God

A sovereign protector I have

Abide with me

Alas and Did my Saviour Bleed

All authority and power

All creatures of our God and King

All hail the power of Jesus name

All my boast is in Jesus

All my days (beautiful Saviour)

All my hope on God is founded

All people that on earth do dwell

All praise to him

Alleluia Alleluia!

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Amazing Grace

Ancient of days

And can it be

Angels from the realms of glory

Arise my soul, arise

Arise my soul, arise (sovereign grace)

As the Heavens are higher than the earth

At the cross of Jesus

At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow

Awake, awake O Zion

Be thou my vision

Before the Lord’s eternal throne

Before the throne

Behold ( then sings my soul )

Behold the lamb

Behold the power of his word

Beneath the cross of Jesus

Bless the Lord (10,000 reasons)

Blessed assurance

Blessed be your name

Blessing and honour (the ancient of days)

Born to be king

By Faith

By gracious powers, so wonderfully sheltered


Called and Named

Christ is made the sure foundation

Christ is mine forevermore

Christ is Risen

Christ the Lord is risen today

Christ the sure and steady anchor

Christ triumphant

Church of God, elect and glorious

Come and see

Come behold the wondrous mystery

Come hear the angels sing

Come O fount

Come people of the risen King

Come praise and glorify

Come thou long expected Jesus

Come ye sinners

Compassion hymn

Consider Christ


Creation sings the Father’s song

Creator God

Creator of all things

Crown him

Crown Him with many crowns


Day of Judgement, day of wonders

Depth of Mercy (new)

Depth of Mercy (old)

Desert song

Even though i walk through the valley

Every step

Facing a task unfinished

Faithful one

Fight the good fight

Fire of God, titanic spirit

From the Breaking of the dawn

From the squalor

Fullness of Grace


Give thanks to the Lord

Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give to our God immortal praise

Glorious things of thee are spoken

Glory and power (see him coming)

Glory be to God the Father

Go forth and tell!

God has spoken by his prophets

God immortal invisible

God is our fortress and our rock

God is our strength and refuge

God of God, the uncreated

God of Grace

Good good father

Goodness, love and mercy


Grace Alone

Grace unmeasured, vast and free

Gracious Father, Son and Spirit (Unity Hymn)

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise

Great is thy faithfulness

Guide me, o my great redeemer

Hail the King

Hail thou once despised Jesus

Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes

Have I trusted God in vain

He will hold me fast

Hear the call of the Kingdom

Here is Love

His mercy is more

Holy Spirit Living breath of God

Holy, holy, holy


How deep the father’s love for us

How firm a foundation

How lovely is your dwelling place

How sure the scriptures are

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

How vast the benefits divine

I believe (the creed)

i cannot tell

I have a shelter from the storm

I heard the voice of Jesus say

I lay it all

I stand amazed

I stand in awe

I will follow

I will glory in my redeemer

I will sing of the Lamb

I will sing the wondrous story

I will wait for you (psalm 130)

If Christ is mine

Immortal honours

Immortal Invisible

Impossible things

In Christ Alone

In the shadow of the glorious cross

Indescribable (from the highest of heights)

Is he worthy?

It is finished

It is finished (new)

It’s finished the Messiah dies



Jesus calls about the tumult

Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice

Jesus draw me ever nearer

Jesus friend of sinners

Jesus I my cross have taken

Jesus is Lord- the cry that echoes through creation

Jesus is the name we honour

Jesus paid it all

Jesus shall reign where’er the sun

Jesus strong and kind

Jesus, God’s righeousness revealed

Jesus, lover of my soul

Jesus, thy blood and righteousness


Just as I am

King Forevermore

King of Kings

King of Kings (hillsong worship)

Lamb of God

Lead us back

Let your Kingdom come

Lift high the name of Jesus

Lift up your voice

Living Hope

Lo! he comes with clouds descending

Look and see

Lord have mercy

Lord of the church

Lord you were rich beyond all splendour

Lord, for the years

Lord, from sorrows deep I call (ps 42)

Love divine

Love incarnate

Loved before the dawn of time


Magnificent, marvellous, matchless love

Maker of the heavens and earth (Hallelujah to the King of Kings)

Man of sorrows

Man of sorrows, what a name!

May the mind of Christ my saviour

May the people’s praise you

Meekness and Majesty

Mighty to save

My dwelling place

My heart is filled with thankfulness

My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ

My Jesus, my Saviour

My song is love unknown

My worth is not in what i own

Name of all majesty

No more to pay

No other name

Now onto the King (Great is your faithfulness)

Now why this fear and unbelief

O Church Arise

O Come O Come Emmanuel

O God of mercy, hear our plea

O Great God

O Lord my God

O Lord my rock and my redeemer

O my Soul, arise and bless your Maker

O praise (the only one)

O praise the name (Anastasis)

O Worship the King, all glorious above

Of the Father’s love begotten

Oh how good it is

Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus

Oh to see the dawn

Oh wonderful, wonderful word of the Lord

On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand

On the cross

One Day (when we all get to heaven)

Only a holy God

Our God is greater

Our Great God

Over all the earth

Praise him forever

Praise Him you heavens

Praise my soul the King of heaven

Praise to the Lord

Prepare Him room


Rejoice (come and stand before your maker)

Rejoice the Lord is King

Rejoicing in hope, we wait for our King


Rock of Ages

Saved my soul

See Jesus stripped of majesty

See what a morning

Sing to God new songs of worship


Sovereign Lord we sing your glory

Speak o Lord

still, my soul be still

Strength will rise

Take my life

Take up thy cross the saviour said

Tell out, my soul

The church’s one foundation

The day is soon

The God of Abraham Praise

The Greatest day (o happy day)

The head that once was crowned with thorns

The King in all his beauty

The King of Love my shepherd is

The Lord is gracious and compassionate

The Lord is my salvation

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord’s my shepherd (getty 2018)

The perfect wisdom

The splendour of the King (how great is our God)

There is a fountain

There is a green hill

There is a higher throne

There is one gospel

Thine be the glory

This life I live

Thy hand, O Lord, has guided

To God all praise and glory

To God be the glory


We are the church

We declare

We look to you

We rest on thee

We the church

We trust in you, our shield and our defender

We’re not alone

what a beautiful name it is

What a saviour

What blessed assurance

What reason have I to doubt (completely done)

When Christ our life appears

When I survey

When I was lost

When peace like a river (it is well)

When this passing world is done

When trials come

Where O Grave

Who has held the oceans (behold our God)

Who would have dreamed

Who you say i am

Who, O Lord could save themselves

Will your anchor hold (new tune)

Worthy, worthy

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