Music Ministry can only do what it does because of the prayerful and generous support of people like you.
Music Ministry exists to serve the local church in helping leadership teams and individuals to serve God with the gifts he has given in music. We value this ministry because Colossians 3:16 shows us it is a ministry of God’s Word, to build up his church.
Will you become a partner? You can partner with us in two ways:
Will you become a partner? You can partner with us in two ways:
- Would you consider praying for us? Prayer points will regularly appear via social media.
- Would you consider financially supporting us? Making a one-off donation or setting up regular giving will ensure we can continue to train and encourage music ministry in local churches around the country. You can give online now using the form on the right.
Become a partner:
£3.16 a month (= a cararmel latte with chocolate sprinkles)
£3:16 a week (= £13.69/month)
£3.16 a day (£95.85/month)
*or any other amount!