
Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)

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To God be the glory! Great things he has done;
so loved he the world that he gave us his Son
who yielded his life an atonement for sin,
and opened the life-gate that all may go in.

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
Let the Earth hear his voice;
praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
Let the people rejoice:
O come to the Father through Jesus the Son
and give him the glory; great things he has done.

O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood!
to every believer the promise of God:
the vilest offender who truly believes,
that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.
Praise the Lord!…

Great things he has taught us, great things he has done,
and great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son:
but purer and higher and greater will be
our joy and our wonder, when Jesus we see!
Praise the Lord!…