
Christopher Martin Idle (born 1938) *© Copyright Christopher Idle

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All authority and power,
every status and domain
now belongs to him who suffered
our redemption to obtain;
Angels, demons, kings and rulers
over all shall Jesus reign!

All the nations owe him worship;
every tongue shall call him Lord.
How are they to call upon him
if his name they have not heard?
Therefore go and make disciples,
preach his gospel, spread his word.

All the clear commands of Jesus
must be heeded and obeyed;
full provision for our weakness
in his teaching he has made:
in the gospel words and symbols
saving truth to us conveyed.

All the time he will be with us,
always, to the end of days
with his own believing people
who keep steadfast in his ways.
God the Father, Son and Spirit
bless us – and to God be praise!